Sunday, February 26, 2012

Breadless options? Gluten free and CRAVING a sandwich!?

So without giving you the whole diagnosis, my doctors say I shouldn't eat grains, rice, or anything with gluten in it! It hasn't been easy but I want to follow their advice. However, my biggest problem is that I still get cravings for bready things-- sandwiches, pizza, pasta, etc.

So, my question is: Does anyone know so alternate recipes (perhaps raw foods?) that I can use in place of bread in these meals? E.g. What can I put tomato sauce, cheese, and mushrooms on (other than pizza dough) so I can have my pizza fix without my stomach getting upset.

Thanks!Breadless options? Gluten free and CRAVING a sandwich!?
hi, there! good for you wanting to follow your doctors' advice. Why not try using corn tortillas? I think Misson brand states that they are gluten free. If you are enterprising, you can even make your own corn tortillas by using Maza Harina. Some other "vehicles" for you to think about...crispy lettuce leaves make great sandwich wraps and the one I liked a lot was cheese! Yes, cheese! Put your sandwich meat between two slices of cheese, or better still, take a slice of Provolone cheese, put it on a plate and microwave it. Be sure to watch it. It will melt first and then it will cook into a nicely hardened disk. Then you can make yourself a mini pizza, or use it as "chips" for dipping into yummy dips. If you don't like Provolone cheese, just grate your favorite cheese onto the plate and do the same. I don't remember how long to microwave the cheese-start with 30 seconds, but watch it so it doesn't burn.

well, hope this helps you some. can't imagine life without sandwiches or pizza! Best wishesBreadless options? Gluten free and CRAVING a sandwich!?
try this site:

best source for healthy recipes including pasta!Breadless options? Gluten free and CRAVING a sandwich!?
1st: rice doesn't contain gluten!

there are a variety of gluten free breads and pastas in most supermarkets these days.Breadless options? Gluten free and CRAVING a sandwich!?
There are plenty of gluten free breads out there, as well as other products. My favorite is Glutino. Just go to your local health food store and check out what they have. If not, there are places you can order online as well. In addition, if you have celiac or are gluten free permanently, then I would recommend getting a breadmaker so you can make your own gluten free breads. Most breadmakers have gluten free settings to handle the consistency of that type of bread.

Edit: Did your doctors say you can't eat gluten? Or did they say to avoid gluten AND rice, etc. There are many products such as "glutinous rice." However, that form of gluten is not related to wheat gluten and does not cause a reaction to people with gluten intolerance. As for a completely flourless alternative, I would go with grilled portabello mushrooms as the base of a pizza. Just put sauce, cheese and meats on top and you already have your mushrooms included.
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