Monday, January 30, 2012

Good Easy Introduction to Raw Food?


So I have been a vegan for a year. Initially I lost a lot of weight, but recently I have been gaining weight due to stress and over-eating. I want to get back down to my initial weight loss of about 145 lbs.

I am not a calorie counter, it drives me nuts.

I've always been interested in Raw food but every time I have tried food has just been too bland for me to continue. I mean, I love spicy food, I need to survive. Couldn't find a lot of spicy raw food recipes that were easy enough to do. I like extreme tastes. Usually people say what I cook for myself is too overloaded with spices and flavors for them.

But I want to give Raw food a try.

Every resource I find on the internet is too wordy (horribly designed websites, they look like books) and not easy to read and understand/implement. Do you know of any good start up information that isn't a chore to research?

If you are raw do you have any tips?Good Easy Introduction to Raw Food?
The best single resource I know of is a book: The Complete Book of Raw Food, Second Edition: Healthy, Delicious Vegetarian Cuisine Made with Living Foods (The Complete Book of Raw Food Series) by Julie Rodwell, Victoria Boutenko, Juliano Brotman, and Nomi Shannon

I bought it on Amazon. In addition to many recipes, it has a lot of advice about things like equipment.

I am vegetarian but do not recommend going totally raw because it does increase your exposure to parasites but that is a personal choice. (You should be aware that neither western medicine or alternative medicine has any viable therapy for dealing with parasites.)Good Easy Introduction to Raw Food?
use raw vegetables such as carrot,lady's finger,etc

you can drink tender coconut (if you are south indian it is called illaneer)

you can drink coconut milk which is made in home by grounding coconut eatable part and filtering.

you should eat lot of greeny leaves (keerai) cooked to get vitamins.

avoid spicy food.

eat lot fruits like apple,orange,grapes,,custard apple,whatever fruits available

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